Sharing today a very special graduate photoshoot – my sweet son’s kindergarten graduation photos, part one!

This one hits H A R D.

My baby.

My first born.

My little red head that I always dreamed of having.

How in the world have we made it here so quickly? Time surely is a thief!

All the car trips of just the two of us going to school. All the mornings of affirmations, conversations of doing kind things for others, trying his best, sight word practice with flash cards at the red lights, and so much more. Yes, all of these things will continue each year, but this is the FIRST year.

We started the session with just him, then added in his cap and tassel. The location is a beautiful private property located in Blairsville, Georgia. He loves the mountain life more than anything. He's so deeply connected to nature and filled with inquisition as he explores. Give this boy a day in the mountains, surrounded by dirt, forest, tractors, and anything else that involves the outdoors, and he's bound to make it an adventure.

If I'm being honest, he has some reservations about transitioning to first grade because he's created this precious little family with his teachers and classmates. Change can be tough, which is festering a little nervousness about the transition next fall to a different classroom with a new teacher. Sure there will be familiar faces, but there will be new faces as well. There will be so many new opportunities to embrace also. We have had lots of talks about how his same-age friends will still be with him, and how we’re sure he’ll have the opportunity to visit his kindergarten teachers to say hello. I’m so glad for him, from starting school as a tiny five year old to seeing the changes in him now – he’s a much more confident little boy who is eager to socialize! He has an intense passion for learning. It may be “just kindergarten,” but my goodness, I’m just so proud of how much he's grown. I hope more than anything he feels proud of himself, too.

The session wasn't all "pose and smile at the camera." He loved getting these action shots of tossing his cap.

"Mommy, I need it higher."

"Mommy, I need to try that again."

"Mommy, that's it! That's the one! I nailed that throw!"

It came down to him just loving the idea of tossing his cap and as an action shot all at the same time.

This session was actually the first part of a two part session in the making. More than anything, I try my best to capture the story that's being told in each session I do. There's so much to be told through a photo and it's my goal to take photos that tell a story, worthy of being told for generations to come.

I remember the anticipation I had during my senior year of high school, waiting to receive my cap, gown, and tassel. That feeling of excitement never changed as I went on to college and graduate school. The feeling of holding those items in my hands, reflecting back on just all the hard work it took to get there.

So yes, it may just be kindergarten, but when sharing with him that he'll have these things as well, his precious little face lit up immensely. How could I not plan a photo session with that level of excitement?

So this session was intended to capture all of the excitement, the joy, the realization that leaving kindergarten behind and moving on to first grade is not a scary thing at all. Rather, it's an opportunity to reflect on all that he's learned, how much he's grown, the precious little family of friends and teachers he's created, and growing them furthermore.

 I love how these kindergarten graduation photos really captured the vibrancy of his sweet little personality at this age. I know it’s just a fun little ceremony they do in kindergarten, but that does not change one bit of how proud of him I am; it's given me a reminder of how much I've grown as a mother myself over the last few years. So no matter how great or small the moments are, CELEBRATE!!! Celebrate them, because the opportunities to do so only come around once.

Part two of this session will take place as we get closer to his actual kindergarten graduation date. It will highlight the iconic turning of the tassel, walking towards first grade hallway, and several more special moments at his school.

"I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, 

As long as I'm living, my baby you'll be."

-Robert Munsch

When the time comes to capture your graduate, whether it be preschool, kindergarten, high school, or college, don' be sure to book with t miss out on the opportunity to capture the vibrancy of their personality, along with telling the story of the achievements they've had, be sure to book with Laurel & Pine Photography for your photography needs.